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                Pledge Form

How we can make a difference:

Just to show you how quickly a little can add up to a lot—

There are 3,877 full and part-time employees on the payroll list (excludes per diem staff).  If each gave:

$1 per pay period ($26/year) = $100,802

$2 per pay period ($52/year) = $201,604

$3 per pay period ($78/year) = $302,406

Give it up!

If each of us gave $8.77 a month, we'd meet our fundraising goal of $408,000.  That's a large iced coffee and a breakfast sandwich or less than one hour of ET once a month. What could you give up for the greater good?  Why not take the value of those sodas and other stuff and give it to the campaign instead?  We can do it!