Our Vision for Expansion

To fulfill our promises and keep patients first, the Harold Alfond Center for Cancer Care must expand. Our proposed $36 million expansion will:
- Upgrade patient experience and access by increasing the number of exam rooms from 15 to 27 and the number of infusion bays from 34 to 44;
- Facilitate centralized multi-disciplinary care by grouping all exam rooms in pods with dedicated clinical offices;
- Enhance quality of life for cancer survivors through an integrated Medical Oncology Home/Survivor Clinic;
- Improve patient flow and use of space by renovating existing space in Radiation Oncology and Genetics and Research;
- Create space to restore and add education and survivorship programs; and
- Accommodate more patients by expanding laboratory and pharmacy services.
A video of the proposed expansion below highlights a new covered entryway for patients; a stairway connecting to the healing gardens (stair-free access available through the interior); and windows of infusion bays looking out to the healing gardens.